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Product details

Peakboard Box
  • Product classification:Materials handling and storage technology
  • application area:Chemical industry、Automobile Industry、Retails 、Daily care 、Automatization、Pharmaceutical, medical equipment、Food & Beverage、Shoes and Garments

Product information

Peakboard is an SAP-certified all-in-one solution consisting of both hardware and software to aggregate and visualise real-time data from various sources, such as machines, sensors, ERP systems like SAP, Excel or cloud solutions. With the Peakboard-Designer, the data can be flexibly adapted with finished design templates or in the corporate design.


Boards created with Peakboard can be used universally - status displays of daily orders and workloads, target/actual comparisons, personnel deployment or process deltas for early detection of disruptions in the process. Peakboard visualizes any daily tasks and goals of the operative level, whereby employees are always informed about the most important things, error rates are significantly reduced and productivity is increased.
With Peakboard, all process-relevant information is visualized individually and without much effort, whether status displays of daily orders and workloads, target/actual comparisons, personnel deployment or process deltas for early detection of disruptions in the process. Whether data from a manually maintained Excel sheet or real-time information from tracking and tracing systems or distribution and shipping solutions.