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Dr.-Ing. Johannes Fottner confirmed attendance at LogiMAT China 2019

Time:2020-09-27 14:57:17

Dr.-Ing. Johannes Fottner  will join LogiMAT China 2019 in Shanghai, and he will presents two speeches at the main forum.

20ff99e7788a9a0c19f90d791a11c2f8.jpgDiploma in Mechanical Engineering from Technische Universität München
Dr.-Ing. (ph.d) in Material handling & Logisitics from Technische Universität München
Experience as Manager R&D,
Experience as Manager Business Unit (P&L responsibility)
Experience as Manager Production and Materials Management,
General Managment Expertise in technical environments of material handling, producing companies

Specialties: Logistics, Material handling, R&D, Production